Monday, August 15, 2016

I have failed and that's why I succeed.

I have felt defeated.  Over the years, I've taken my share of hard knocks.  I have faith that God has given me no challenge that I cannot overcome, but that doesn't mean that I haven't felt like I had nowhere to go.  I have felt like it was the end of the world.  I have felt like giving up.  I have wanted to crawl under a rock and shrivel away to nothing because I thought everything was over.  I've lost almost everything that I have three times in my life.  Once because I was young and dumb.  The second time because the economy went to hell in a handbasket.  The third time because I wanted to keep a promise to my kids.  I have no regrets for that last one.  I pretty much walked away from that with a car and a motorcycle, but my one child actually got to finish high school with all his friends.  I wish I could have done that for all 3 boys, but sometimes life just doesn't give you what you want.  I tried.  

So when someone sits there wallowing away in their own failures, I do not get it.  Some things we bring on ourselves by our actions, but others we bring on ourselves by own inactions.  Maybe it's the stubborn Granddaddy or Daddy that I had that instilled that pick yourself off the ground and try again.  Maybe it's a little bit of the military in me--adapt and overcome, over, under, around or straight through.  I've wanted to quit.  I was failing thermodynamics and I wanted to change majors from mechanical engineering to electrical.  I had to take 4 electrical classes because I was specializing in mechatronics.  As a former electrical technician, I was aceing the classes without even attending class.  While thermo had me feeling like a total failure--what the hell is entropy?  "Energy created"?  Everyone that knows basic physics knows energy is neither destroyed or created.  It just changes form.  I was so frustrated that I wanted to give up on the whole dream of finishing my mechanical engineering degree.  I went to the undergrad coordinator for mechanical engineering, one of my mentors, with a change major request in hand.  All I needed was his signature.  He looked it over, looked up at me, said "no" and slid the paper back at me.  What?  Did he not hear me explain how thermo was kicking my ass?  I was failing.  Yes, he had heard me and his answer was still no.  Ugh.   He simply explained to me that he had straight A students that didn't "get" the mechanics like I did and he wasn't going to let me give up.  I'd have to take the class over, in his mind I'd ace it the second time around, and that was the end of the discussion.  So...yes, I took it the second time and yes, I did ace the class.  So the overall grade averaged to a C.  By the way, for those that are even curious, energy isn't created or destroyed.  That whole entropy thing is energy that we cannot account for that is lost to the universe (or "created" to the universe to do whatever it wants to with).  The point is that either way, I wasn't wallowing away in my failure.  I had adapted and figured out another way to skin the cat.  My mentor actually had a better way for me to skin the cat.  But I wasn't quitting either way.  I'm glad he convinced me, or forced me, to not quit his way.  Mine would have probably sucked, because I love the mechanical engineering part of my job the most.

Of course, sometimes there's no one to pull you up but you.  I thought I was going to die when my ex cheated on me when I was pregnant.  But I found what was more important to me--my babies.  Sometimes it's about finding that one thing that motivates you to do better.  No matter what providing for my boys was always one of the top things on my list and no matter what went wrong in my life being there for them trumped all.  I can't understand how anyone brings a life into this world and somehow loses the ability or doesn't develop the ability to be there through thick, thin, hurricane and sunshine for their children.  I tend to believe there is a special place in hell or a lower life form since I believe in reincarnation for people like that.  You cannot create a life and not try your best to be there for them.  It's just not right in so many ways, and that sense of responsibility to them can help someone pull themselves back up and do what they've got to do.  When the economy tanked, I needed to make drastic sacrifices--either move or drive at least 1.5 hours each way to work.  I eventually ended up with the best option that I had at the time and I'm grateful for that.    

But honestly, the hardest pulling yourself up is when it's just on you.  Finding something to motivate you when you think there's nothing to motivate you.  Sometimes that motivation just has to come from inside you.  The hardest thing for most people to achieve is believing in themselves, but if you don't believe in you, how do you expect other people to?  I watch people that wallow away in their own crap all the time.  They settle for just getting by but they aren't happy but they convince themselves that at least they aren't miserable.  Of course, I'd argue if you aren't actually happy with your life as a whole, then you actually are miserable.  You just won't admit it.  Oh, I know. It's easier to fool ourselves into believing we aren't failing by not even trying.  But not trying is failing.  You know I'm right.  When you stop trying to be a better you, give up on your goals, have no goals, no aspirations you basically put yourself in that drowning hole where you leave yourself with nothing to hope for and nothing for you.  The saddest part about this is that you just sink and sink and sink.  The longer you wallow, the harder it becomes to get out of it.  It's not like a vicious circle--it's like being on a sinking ship.  Eventually you lose you and if that happens, it will feel like it's impossible to get back to you.  It's like climbing Mount Everest, and the irony is you have no one to blame but yourself. 

Sure.  Divorce, a failed business, a failed job, a health issue, there are just so many things that can put you in that unsure of yourself position.  Believe it or not, we all have them, but how long you wallow is on you.  How long you let it drag you down is on you.  Of course, we all need a little recovery time--time to lick our wounds and recover.  Time to get to the point that we light the bunson burner under our butts and get started doing the things that make us feel proud of ourselves, like we are accomplishing something, give us something to feel good about ourselves.  I've wallowed.  About 3 months normally.  To adlib something that Michael Jordan said, "I have failed and that's why I succeed."  My failures are learning experiences and each of them have made me who I am today.  And they have ultimately become the reason that I have succeeded.  Failures shouldn't be your reason for giving up.  They should be your reason to reevaluate where you are, where you want to be, and ironically, they are the reasons that you become a better you and get where you ultimately actually belong.   

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Make American Sane Again...and other awesome considerations....

Let's face it.  We all knew when a reality TV star who was fired from his "you're fired" job that the current election would probably be totally outside of the scope of the norm.  For some reason since the Reagans left the political scene, the Republican party began a trip down splinters-ville, and eventually created the fiasco we see now.  The Republican party has lacked solid leadership for over 20 years and the fact a reality television clown is the nominee is proof.  It's just completely baffling--well, no, not really.  Every time that I heard someone saying they were voting for him, a good half when asked, would say they had never voted in an election, let alone a primary.  At first glance, it seemed amazing.  Then as we watched the Republican primary unfold it became apparent that the people voting for him were really just angry and eating up the anger he was expressing.  I didn't make a lot of friends calling this out very early on--as early as July 2015.  He just had no substance.  Anger is not substance.  It's entertaining though, and admittedly I thought it was hilarious that he actually thought he could be nominated, let alone become President.  

On the other side of the fence, the "Stand By Your Man" sell out to be a Senator, the Secretary of State, and now, ugh, running for President.  The division in the Democratic Party was not as noticeable with the Tea Party, the Pro-Lifers, the Moderates desperately trying to keep the Republican party from going off the deep end, but now, with the Bernie Sanders fiasco where the DNC literally screwed him over so badly that even Sanders' supporters are still choking on their Starbucks after he endorsed the biggest liar in the history of any Presidential candidate, it's apparent the division show of the last 20 years has taken a toll on the DNC also.  The fact this woman abandoned an American ambassador and embassy Americans to die is simply amazing.  My favorite quote from the bitch just this week, "When you run for President you need to be judged by what you have done..."  Of course, that was about her Republican opponent and his lack of making any jobs here in the USA.  Yet, the exact same words can be used over and over and over against her.  

Sigh.  Where does that leave us?  "The lesser of two evils" I've been told over and over.  In this bi-party race, there is no lesser of the two evils.  Clintrump are both heinous jackasses that are not qualified for the job of President of the United States.  She couldn't do the job of Secretary of State and she lies so much that no one can actually believe her.  It's a flip of a coin with this woman.  On the other side, well, he's insane.  No one in their right mind tanks their own opportunity to gain in the polls to draw more negative attention on himself when the negatives about the DNC and them falling apart in light of the things they did to Sanders could have resulted in great gains for him and the GOP.  No, his ego is so friggin big he couldn't stand not having the spotlight for 36 hours.  Hell, he didn't make it even 5.  And as a result, the lying bitch has taken double digit leads in all the polls and most of the states that will be deciding factors in the election.  I've always accused him of trying to tank the GOP to ensure his butt buddy's wife becomes President.  Well, either I've been right all along or the asshat is totally crazy and unstable as hell.  Honestly, neither Clintrump appeal to me.  For the first time since I became old enough to cast my vote, I was contemplating abstaining.  

A good friend of mine read my woes as I posted them on Facebook.  I could never vote for a dumbass like Trump.  I could never vote for lying bitch like Clinton.  He prodded me to look at Governor Johnson and his running mate, Governor Weld.  Libertarians.  I automatically said no.  Not just no, hell no.  I still remember Perot and Ron Paul.  Both were like fringe nuts.  Pass.  Trust me, just look, he kept prodding.  Oh hell, I finally thought, what have I got to lose?  So I went and looked.  And then looked some more.  Then watched the first CNN Town Hall with Johnson and Weld.  I was in, completely in.  Now, let me be clear, I do not actually agree with Johnson and Weld on everything, but unlike the two major parties I don't have to.  Johnson and Weld promise compromise.  They promise to hire the best and brightest from the Libertarians, the Democrats and the Republicans to finally get our country pulled back together and get Washington doing what they are supposed to be doing--the jobs we voted them into.  

Oh sure, you might think.  Yet, their records, both, speak for themselves.  They made promises in their campaigns for governors of New Mexico and Massachusetts.  The amazing part is that they kept their promises.  WHAT?!?!  Yes, they kept their promises.  They did what they said they would.  They reduced government, reduced taxes AND improved their states' infrastructures.  We have always been told that wasn't possible.  And yet, here are two men that not only said it was possible--they proved it.  They are both fairly soft spoken.  It's a stark contrast to the full of themselves Clintrump.  As they put it, they are "fiscally conservative" and "socially liberal".  And they proved that you can be both in New Mexico and Massachusetts.    

The funny thing is that the Ds and Rs have been telling us for over 20 years that isn't possible.  They've spent a lot of time with the us versus them mentality, and we, we the American public, are just as much to blame for buying into the bullshit.  We are all different but we are all American.  We all have different ideas, different experiences, different families, different friends, different jobs, different churches and different faiths, different minds.  Yet we are all American.  We all want the American dream.  We have more in common than we think.  We all want our children to have better opportunities.  We all want peace.  We all want a balanced budgets, less taxes, and our freedoms.  We have let the R & D show make us believe we are this or that--not this, that and everything in between.  They throw smaller issues that they know will polarize us--emotionally charged arguments that have no solution, but allow the R&D show to play slight of hand like a magician.  We ooooo and aahhhh and then point fingers at each other, like there is only one side or the other.  But that's not even remotely true, is it?  We are--this, that and everything in between.  It's what made us the most powerful nation in the world.  Being all different and yet all one--the one is that we are American. 

We need someone to unite us, to end the gridlock in Washington, and give us what we really need.  Cut taxes, term limits so that the bureaucracy doesn't grow and grow and grow and eat us alive, balance the budget so that we can actually get rid of the deficit.  Sure we want immigration reform, but the reality is that the government has plenty of immigration laws and rules--they just don't follow them.  It's just another slight of hand trick.  Yes, we worry about ISIS and the security of our country.  In the recent months, it's becoming obvious that Europe is just as big of a target as we are--even more so.  But do we need a hot head who goes from appearing rational to crazy in a matter of less than 5 hours?  Or a lying bitch who abandoned Americans?  We need real leadership.  Proven leadership.  Unlike the crazy train and the liar's bus, we want someone we can trust what they say and trust they will actually do their best for us--for our great country...not themselves.  We can't say that about Clintrump.  

Governors Johnson and Weld are not like the Libertarians of the past.  They are not the fringe.  I would argue that the R&D show got so caught up in their own games that they are now the fringe.  Most Americans want sane.  Take a look at Johnson and Weld.  Go watch the two CNN Town Hall specials with them on YouTube.  If after watching one, an hour and twenty of your time and you still want to vote for the Clintrump, then at least you do so with a clear conscience that you considered all your options.  I'm betting you might jump off the Clintrump roller coaster ride and join those of us that have decided it's time to make America sane again.