Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Did you know? Things to think about before you vote...

No blog.  Just facts--15 of them. 

1.  New  school lunch initiatives require an average of 830 calories/school lunch.  How many teenage boys do you know that this will suffice?  Will they be thinking in school or starving?  Or will you, assuming that you can't get "free lunch" be paying double or triple for multiple meals to keep your kid fed?

2.  Current National Debt liability per citizen (adult, senior citizen, children and babies, ales--all citizens) is $360K each.

3.  One out of 5 Federal employees earns $100K/year.  Seriously, look around where you work.  Is this the case where you work?

4.  77,000 Federal Employees (not just the President, Supreme Court Justices and most of Congress and maybe some key positions) earn more than the highest paid State Governor.  Kinda outrageous?  Consider the highest paid Governor makes $206K.  Really outrageous?

5.  In Illinois (one state, not even California), there are several Federal retirees making more than $425K a year in retirement checks.  Go figure.  That's more than we pay our previous Presidents per year.

6.  The Federal Government pays for ads to get people to apply for Food Stamps.  Seriously. 

7.  Approximately 9,000 illegal immigrants collected $4.2M dollars in Federal Tax Refunds for tax year 2011.  That's approximately $467 per tax return.  Wondering why your taxes went up?

8.  In 1967, the Disabled in this country (collecting a disability check from Social Security) were 1 in 43.  Today, it's 1 in 17.  Know someone that you wouldn't actually regard as disabled collecting a check?  That might be why. 

9.  Obamacare has increased the average health insurance cost by 3% in 2012.  Keep in mind that average includes people that aren't working and don't pay anything for health insurance.  For those of us working that might want a more accurate percentage, well, they don't have that number available. 

10.  UNEMPLOYED in August 2012:  12.5M.  Finance and insurance added 11K jobs...(yea, we know who makes the money) while:
  • Manufacturing jobs decreased by 15K
  • Average hourly work week is only 34.4 hours.  (The government statistics consider anyone working more than 20 hours as employed.  I'm pretty sure that includes high school kids at McDonalds, but don't quote me.)
  • Automotive is still -7.5% employed compared to that fancy 8.1%.   Add the absolute values of those together for the total automotive workers still displaced. 
11.  Average household income:
  • 2008 = $52,029
  • 2010 = $50,054
  • 2011 = $49,434
12.  According to US News and World Report, Michelle Obama's vacation to Africa cost American taxpayers over $424.1K.  Hmmm.  That's more than Barack's salary. 

13.  The trip to Spain cost over $467K to taxpayers and that was reported by Fox, CBS, and even overseas in the London newspapers.  Wondering why NATO Allies are getting sick of us?  Europe as a whole is struggling and several countries are having riots because of unemployment and financial difficulties and we are paying for fancy vacations. 

14.  Obama critizized the EU on the Euro crisis.  Hard to find it, except in German, but the Germans, who are leading the way to try and save the Euro, told him to mind his own business.  With our economies so intertwined, they need us to lead as much as they need to stabilize the EU and have realized Obama is not getting it done.   

15.  If you can get Obama's pages out of the way, you'll find out that most NATO Allies newspapers are reporting that Obama's Middle East policies are a failure.  Hope you read German or Slav.  'Die Welt' reports "Obama's Middle East Policy is in Ruins".  Don't think they're happy with us.  They were thrilled when we elected him--now, not so much. 

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