Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hello sheeple....

Seriously, I know I generally try to present things for people to think about and reconsider their own positions, but this isn't going to be that "politically correct".  I'm frankly sick of people that assume that someone that disagrees with them on one point HAS to disagree with them on all points.  Are some of you really that GD ignorant?  Really?  Have the media and the political parties spoon fed you your opinions to the point that you can't form an opinion of your own?!??!  The party lines shouldn't be able to match every single one of your opinions, and if they do, newsflash:  you are probably a sheeple.  No one, and I mean NO ONE, agrees on everything.  If you somehow have managed to agree with every single line of the Republican, Democrat, Tea Party or any other party for that matter, then you have sold out your own mind to be a spoon fed moron that does and thinks what others tell you to.  Bigger newsflash:  You are the PROBLEM.  The reason our country is so polarized is because you offend anyone that disagrees with you forcing the person you're talking to choose the opposite side.  Dumbasses. 

That was for the morons that want one sentence, one paragraph, can't read more than a sentence, because they want to be spoon fed.  For the rest of you, it's still not going to be a politically correct blog.  I have no party.  I'm technically a registered Republican and have been since I was 18.  I was raised a Republican and was, and still am, very proud of President Reagan.  But honestly, the Republican party lost me in the late 80s/early 90s when the "pro-lifers" made anti-choice the primary agenda of the party.  They would float pictures of 8 month fetuses claiming that they were 3 month fetuses--and these were college educated morons!!  They would make up lies and feed them and/or eat them up like sheeple.  The statistics that they gave were not sound, and they would toot them off as fact.  It isolated a lot of young Republicans, and worse yet, a large majority of the female young Republicans.  We wanted no part of their lies and deceit, and many eventually, because of the barrage of "you're either with us or against us" mentality, turned and went to the Democrats.  Nice job, jackasses.  The Republican party is still trying to figure out how to get women back to the party.  A statement from Nancy Reagan at the Republican Convention in 1992 that she was pro-choice made no difference.  The Reagans were no longer the Father & Mother of the Republican party, and that portion of her speech was buried by both the Republicans and the liberal leaned media. 

Being pro-choice, doesn't mean that I'm opposed to the death penalty as a spoon fed minion accused me of today.  I'm actually for the death penalty, and in the words of Ron White, I'm all for every state following Texas' lead and putting in a "fast lane".  Three convinctions for crimes so heinous that each could have been a life sentence or death penalty case should be considered for a "fast lane" to the needle.  We have our laws not to judge others, but to keep people from infringing on the rights of others.  If someone insists on committing major crimes--murder, serial killers, to me--even serial rapists--these people don't deserve our sympathy.  They've made their own choices, and yes, God will judge them.  But doesn't mean that we need to food and house them for decades and doesn't mean that we should release them back into society to hurt another person, another family and devastate others because of our love of freedom.  Freedom is guaranteed to each of us, but only if we don't infringe on another's freedom.  Murder pretty much is a permanent infringement, wouldn't you say? 

Being for the death penalty doesn't mean I'm against human rights.  I served in the United States military and I'm quite proud of what we did in the 90s in Somalia and other countries for human rights.  I'm mortified to this day that we didn't follow through and go into Iraq after Saddam after chasing the Iraqi invaders out of Kuwait.  We did it in WW2 with the Germans, and we damn well should've back in 1991.  We didn't and an estimated 250,000 Iraqis lost their lives because of our lack of follow through.  Men, women and children who's only crimes were that they dreamt of freedom.  Shame on us. 

Just because I served in the military, doesn't mean that I think we should be involved in every conflict in the world.  I often am torn over the whole Afghanistan thing.  It's been an on-going nightmare since the USSR was there when I was just a little kid.  I believe that we have made better strides than any other country in bringing peace to the region because we are genuinely interested in creating democracy.  However, there's always another Hitler wanna-be that pops up that wants to create a polarized opposition and use the polarization to annihilate their competition.  Pretty much like how Obama won the last 2 elections. 

Nope, can't stand Obama.  Doesn't make me a racist.  I've read Bob Woodward's books about him.  He's arrogant, thinks his way is the only way, storms off like a child if he doesn't get his way, makes compromises then underhandedly goes to the media and tanks the whole compromise, untrustworthy (read compromise statement again if you need to), and has polarized rather than try to bring together a country.  The damage he's done is worse than the GD Vietnam War.  We had really started to move away from racism in the 1990s.  I've watched him and his wife play the race card so much it's nauseating.  I'm ashamed of how much he has polarized our country and the races.  He's turned back the race card to 20 years ago.  It will likely be a rough road back once his ass is out of office. 

Just because I think that we've taken a wrong turn in race relations, doesn't mean that I'm going to be out there blaming the "whites" for it or any other race.  The reality is far more complicated.  We as a people have become so used to being spoon fed our information in snipits that we forget that life isn't that simple.  I watch CBS news sometimes--used to watch it every morning.  It would infuriate me the way they would give us the news peppered, sometimes drowned, with their opinions.  I took journalism classes in college and a true journalist gives us just the facts.  Not that the United States news associations have ever really done that.  We know that the plantation owners used newspapers to help shape the view of the Civil War for decades before they started it.  It was never over States' Rights; it was over one States' Right.  The right to own slaves.  Since most people in the South didn't own slaves, the wealthy southerners needed to stir sentiment with another direction.  No non-slave owner would have fought for the plantations' owners way of life otherwise.  The media has definately spoon fed the race card over the last few years and every time I've seen it it has infuriated me.  I could blame George W.  Afterall, you don't get whiter--old Texas money, stereotypical white college boy image that the media created a feeding frenzy with, and of course a very political family. 

Of course, although I think George W's image also fed into the race problems, doesn't mean that I'm too stupid to realize that it was inevitable that the race pendulum would swing back a bit.  There are still plenty of dumbass racists out there on both the white and black sides of the fence.  I'm not so niave as to not realize that racists don't only come in white.  Racism is a fear of others, a judgment passed on another by only the color of their skin.  It's ignorant to be sure, but then, who am  I kidding?  So is jumping on a bandwagon, taking on all the opinons of the bandwagon as your own, and running with it. 

I've got no bandwagon.  I prefer to look at the facts and make up my own mind.  I'm pro-choice.  I'm for the death penalty.  I'm for environmental protections.  I'm against infringing on the right to bear arms.  I'm for gay marriage.  I'm for free commerce.  I'm against animal cruelty, but I'm not opposed to rats being used in scientific studies.  I believe a woman should be President, but I think Sarah Palin is a moron who plays that "girl next door" routine so much that she should be doing a duet with Taylor Swift.  On the other side, I believe Hillary Clinton would sell her soul to the devil to be President--afterall, she pulled that "stand by your man" routine to be a Senator and look how far she's gotten for it.  C*nt, set women's rights back a decade or more with that lay on your back and take it so you get what you want.  Between the two of them, they represent all the classic stereotypes of women that we have to manipulative c*nts to get what we want.  I'm for welfare, albeit not as a lifelong commitment.  I'm for lower taxes, but not at the expense of our national defense.  I still remember vividly the World Trade Centers coming down.  I'm for families and believe the best environment is where there are two parents that love each other and can support each other.  I don't define those two parents' sexes, because there are literally thousands upon thousands of children in the foster care system that need stable homes.  I believe in debate, but don't really care to bother anymore with people that don't have the ability to get passed the snipits fed to them on the television or other media.  I believe education is the key to success, but I don't believe a college education necessary defines that.  Tesla, Einstein, Ford...some of the greatest minds of the last century had no "formal" education.  I want the world to be better for my boys, but honestly, I'm not sure that's what we are leaving for them.  It's not the environment part or the political part or the financial burdens we might be creating that gives me the greatest pause.  It's the burden of polarization, the "my way or the highway" attitudes, the ignorance of ignoring the Bill of Rights, the idiotic bandwagons without any thought to whether one actually agrees or disagrees...these could create a world where only a few people spoon feed the masses and everyone is either a sheeple or a criminal.  I fear that we will turn our great country into a facist regime and go along holding hands as we decide that either all Republicans or all Democrats are evil and we round up anyone that doesn't agree with the winning team.  To those of you that made it this far in this blog, congratulations.  You're probably not a sheeple and you might have something to think about.  To those that didn't, well, congratulations, you don't even know that you might be one.

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