Saturday, October 10, 2020

Why Trumpkins Get Dumped As Friends

Most trumpkins surround themselves with people that agreee with them.  They haven't realized they did this, and if you point it out, they will instantly claim it's by design.  It's your fault you don't want to be around them anymore.  Anyone with family that they are not speaking to over Donald Trump understands this better than anyone.  Family for most people is the one bond you overlook those annoying flaws of your drunken uncle and at least tolerate him at family gatherings.  Yet, not anymore. People have divided from friends and even family over what can only be described as a cult response on a unrecognizable level since Nazi Germany.  

Four years ago, a good friend said she wasn't talking to her parents anymore. What?  She and her parents had always been close, yet suddenly her father, and even her mother, would yell and scream at her about the fact she didn't like Donald Trump.  They watched Fox news, read only Breitbart if they read anything other than memes that agreed with Fox on Facebook.  She was at her wits' end.  She did Thanksgiving but refused to do Christmas.  Her husband's mother was an independent and couldn't stand Trump.  They felt more comfortable there.  Her parents haven't barely spoken to her since 2016.  She doesn't call them because she doesn't want to get yelled at, even now, about the "hoax".  She's worried about them but for the most part has given up. 

Does her story sound familiar to you?  Either side?  If you think you are the parents here, and even if you don't, the parents literally think she's the one that needs to come to her senses.  But does she?  I mean parents tell you what they think when you are doing something they think you shouldn't, right?  But they don't call her. It's like tough love, but not over drugs, alcoholism, stealing or some criminal activity.  They literally have no desire to talk to her over Donald Trump.  Is this still you?  Have you screamed, yelled, name called, carried on, about how great Trump is to the point you've forced someone to decide they can't stand you? 

Yes, I know the standard response here is "they were yelling at me".  Funny how that works. You yell and they respond with yelling.  You name call and they get upset.  You insist Trump is the best of the best and just keep insisting even with example after example of some of the most ridiculous stuff anyone, not just Presidents, has ever done. You don't care. You scream how great he is. That's it.  They didn't even have to say a word.  A friend's husband, who has never been that fond of me anyway, just started yelling at me, drunk, about Trump.  Not even because I brought him up, because for her sake I was avoiding it completely.  Didn't matter he started ranting, she made him calm down and I cut my visit short. I haven't talked to her since other than in text and only because he's been extremely sick.  But otherwise, why bother? Besides the fact he doesn't need to get hyped up over me versus Trump. I don't want to listen to that crap just because you know I disagree with you.  No one does.  But rather than try to discuss or argue it out, anyone anti Trump have had to decide whether they have to cut people like that out. 

Here's my favorite example, only from my own life.  A friend's husband allowing someone to call me racist names online because he was a "Korean War" vet and deserved to be able to say whatever he wanted.  He served in Korea in the 1960s after the shooting stopped. I served in the Gulf.  He saw less action than I did.  That was disrespectful of me to point out anything anti Trump. Really? But it was perfectly fine for this ahole to call me a couple racist slurs during his rant at me. I'm born and raised American citizen but because I'm not white male enough, my service compared to his service was nothing they BOTH mansplained to me. I cut him out and as a result his wife.  The hypocrisy and disrespect was aimed at me and the only thing I did, no name calling even, was say I didn't like Trump and point out a couple of the idiotic things Trump has done. We all have experienced it if we don't like Trump. 

Don't believe me?  Go to a trumpkin and point out Trump still hasn't responded to the fact we know Putin has been putting bounties out on American military in the Middle East. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.  They will respond with some crap about Clinton or AOC or Biden's "dementia".  Biden's "dementia" is completely hilarious considering Trump bragged about a one page cognitive test that asks you to draw a cube and identify 3 wild animals.  Let alone on top of it, claiming how hard it is.  O-kay. Biden's real problem is he grew up with a stuttering issue.  Some of the most intelligent people in the world suffer from stuttering and other similar issues.  

Still a trumpkin reading this will tell you or me or anyone that will listen that I'm just a hater.  A liberal. Snowflake. Pansy. C*nt.  Dumb b*tch. Just mad because Trump doesn't like illegals. A slew of racist terms that don't fit because I'm not "white enough" in their minds.  Yes, these things have literally ALL happened over the last 4 years.  From friends I've known and thought the world of for years, a couple even decades. Friends.  At what point do you say enough?

Trumpkins will tell you it's you. Gaslighting you into thinking it's you not them.  But I snapshot the Facebook interactions when they happened.  I recorded some of the verbal interactions.  It starts off with them yelling and me trying to stay calm.  It starts with them starting to call names and me trying to explain my position.  And eventually one of two things happened at these exchanges. Either I got mad and they danced around like idiots pleased because now they claimed I was the one that got mad first (if they even admit they were screaming and name calling at all).  Or I got fed up and cut them off.  I've got over 2 dozen of these exchanges that I kept for review because I am one of these people who had dated an abusive asshole (maybe a couple).  One thing that is recommended is to prove to yourself you are correct.  Documentation helps to prove to yourself you are better off without the abuser. 

When you do this?  It's like my friend with her parents.  They were good parents but when she went back through things her father said, so hateful.  She had even had a confrontation after Charlottesville with him where he said something very similar to several friends of mine I've cut off. Something along the lines "I'm more prejudice/racist now" than this or that or then.  I've gone back and can say at least half a dozen of my so called friends said crap like that too.  But she pointed out that it wasn't that they were "more" now.  It was they were not "allowed" to be before. Society frowned on it, but with Trump, they were free to say and be "more" racist. It wouldn't be Trump's fault except the only thing all these half a dozen plus have in common with each other and her dad? Trump and they are "white" in their minds. (I'm not getting into the "white Hispanic" nonsense other than to point out to be Hispanic means you have a mix of some South/Central America Native blood which makes "Hispanic" therefore white Hispanic is an oxymoron.)

Can we wake these people up? I look back at my grandmother who loved Richard Nixon.  Nixon was a power hungry, insecure, albeit smart man. He had stepped down in shame, caught in a criminal conspiracy.  She didn't believe it. Even with the majority of the country agreeing he was.  By the very last live interview with David Frost, my grandmother was convinced Nixon was still the good man she dressed him up to be in her mind.  Right up until Nixon lost his cool, screamed at Frost that he had done what he was accused of, and how dare anyone question him.  She never talked about Nixon again.  You couldn't even mention his name without a dirty look of quiet rebuke.  And Trump has done far worse than Nixon ever did and in the 1970's a shit ton more was more acceptable compared to today.  It's almost bizarre to watch Trump get away, even brag when he does something heinous, and people like my grandmother just keep defending him. Bizarre is probably an understatement, but definitely makes it questionable whether short of Trump going to prison.... Well.... If Biden wins, NY State has the indictments waiting....

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