Saturday, March 19, 2011

crazy doesn't even begin to describe it...

everyone knows that used to read my old blog that i seem to attract some crazy dates...(or maybe it was just the whole internet dating thing...hmmm...nah, even some of the non-internet introduced were crazy...) but it's pretty rare for me to write about crazy women or crazy couples that i meet. probably because i distance myself as soon as i realize it, and avoid contact as much as possible. but well, some crazy people don't know when to quit.

so about a year ago, i met a couple through an organization i'm a member of. i really barely talked with her. actually the conversations with him were pretty superficial also, other than him thinking he (which should be a glaring red flag right here) should fix me up with someone he knows. (seriously. and how many guys do you know that want to fix you up with someone?!?!) of course, at the time i was dating someone, so i wasn't really interested. plus, quite honestly, no one that i'd ever seen either of them with were very "clean cut", and well, i tend to go for the clean cut look. i figured nothing of it. he didn't know me well enough to be "fixing" me up anyway. after breaking up with the guy i'd been seeing, i ended up hanging out with these two and a couple of their guy friends. of them, well, one actually was clean cut. (shows what the heck i know.) anyway, i started hanging out with this clean cut guy...and that's where my problems with these two crazies started to go off the deep end. ok, well, her first anyway.

now, picture someone that sounds like the mother from "daria"...only way more exaggerated stretching of every single solitary word. first, i start hanging out with the one clean cut guy. (he was smart and funny, which was pretty endearing, but that would technically be another blog...) so now, she calls me, vice versa, we go to lunch once a week. i didn't tell her about seeing the guy, because well, those that know me well know i'm in no big hurry to be in a relationship and have other people "gluing" me to another person that i don't know well enough to want to be a couple with. well, she had picked up on it...or at least i was pretty sure she had because everytime i talked to her (remember sounds like daria's mom here): "oooaaah, wellllllll, evvvveeerrryyyonnnee we work with, thinks (this guy) and i should be dating". seriously, everytime she and i talked, it would be all about how everyone she worked with thought she should be dating this guy. now at first, i thought she didn't realize that he and i had been hanging out, but then she would go on and on about i wasn't his type, how her current boyfriend wasn't really her boyfriend because he was such an *sshole (again daria's mom saying *sshole.... seriously she talks so much like a cartoon character it can be very difficult to take anything she says seriously).

in addition, every conversation with her was the same conversation, over and over and over. she should be dating this guy i was seeing. she wouldn't date her boyfriend. she doesn't sleep with him. the boyfriend (perhaps, we could call him a wanna-be, but how many women that aren't dating a guy let him tell everyone that they are while they're sitting there and can simply tell everyone that they're not?...let alone go on weekend trips and stay in the same king size hotel room together....double, maybe, but single bed king?!?!?) i know. "cut her craziness off now!!" and, after about 4 weeks of it, i was ready. but i really wanted to be sure that i knew that it wasn't intentional and not just because she's one of those people that just doesn't think before they speak. (i know. in the back of your mind, you're screaming at me, "really? of course, she knows what she's doing!!!") i needed to be sure. it had been like listening to a broken record most of the time over the 4 weeks that i was trying to determine if she had any depth or was little more than a 3D cartoon character.

during that 4 weeks, every so often the broken record would skip: she moved here with a boyfriend, no job. to hear her tell it, she saved up and moved here on her own. but as the truth trickles out, she moved with one guy (who has family in kansas--thus why kansas), cheated on him with current "boyfriend" that she's not dating (i know, right?), moved in with the guy she's not dating, then started messing around with another friend of mine, wanted to move in with him (which, surprise, surprise, caused a LOT of problems between her boyfriend and my friend), then because this 3rd guy wouldn't let her move in with him--finally went and got her own place. (wow, breathe...right? that in itself should be enough to go "crazy, crazy, crazy"....) and of course, too much craziness for him, and she's now stuck with the boyfriend that she's not dating. (who she identified herself as his wife in front of a half dozen witnesses and a cop one night....) why yes virginia, she is one of those phoney baloney types.

so, after deciding this just wasn't someone that i want in my life other than as a passing acquaintance, i decided dating the guy that she worked with was probably going to be putting myself in the middle of some twisted cartoon show revolving around daria's mom while any relationship that i might be able to have would be reduced to a comic strip--which is how i view the time that i've spent with this guy in retrospect...sadly enough. i told her that i had been seeing him about a week before i was going to cut her off--to observe. she became more adament that her and this guy should be dating. yea, i know, coo-coo for cocoa puffs. that was enough for me. she was totally clueless that a real friend would shut the h*ll up. i simply told her later that week that i had decided to no longer see the guy. that was the end of our "friendship". she never called me again. she had achieved her only goal. to make sure that i didn't date the guy she worked with.

over the next month, she would post crazy sh*t on my facebook. it got so annoying to have to check just to delete her posts that i just deleted her off my friends. there. over, right? hahaha, some of you are ready to scream at me--"not with a crazy person"....*sigh*...and you'd be right.

enter boyfriend that she's not dating. sending me crazy emails. delete. delete. delete. he starts getting in my face, yelling at me that i need to do this or that, interrupting me in meetings and screaming at me (yes, let's not even go into the fact it's a volunteer organization and no one attending wanted to hear his crap). all because, at least as far as i can tell, because i deleted crazy b*tch off my facebook after turkey day last year. two weeks later in december, voila!!! and it hasn't stopped since--and it's march people!!!!!! so i've opted to cut out the time i spend with the volunteer organization that i belong to just because of these two nutjobs. i can't decide if the boyfriend is just that damn stupid not to realize what a crazy train she is, or if he himself is just as crazy. like i've said previously, crazy can make crazy out of someone perfectly normal. but having a jerk come up to me after a meeting screaming at me and threatening me is my limit. over a crazy wh*re (really, i mean cheating on two guys in a row...a spade is a spade), well, i just can't imagine being that damn stupid.

i'm just waiting for her to lose her job for bragging how she cuts the checks for the owner's kids and they get "waaaayyyy" more than they should for doing nothing and how all the men where she works make "waaayyyy" more money than any of the women where she works. if her craziness is so readily apparent in her personal life, i can't imagine that it's not trickling into her work life. or at least, maybe her boyfriend that she's not dating will get a clue. however, after that 3rd time of him getting into my face, i've had enough of him too. three strikes and you're out.

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