Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sarcastic Rants for Laughs (or maybe not)

This is simply a rant for entertainment (or not) only.  So here goes (WARNING: content may be offensive--if you get offended, I don't care, you should've stopped here):

I think that Popeye's has the best fast food chicken. Bojangles is bland. KFC never has enough meat on the bones; they must be using those free range chickens that eat their own poop. Are there any other fast food fried chicken chains? Who cares? Popeye's is the best. Argue with me all you want; you'll still be wrong.

Kids should be punished with spankings.  Seriously.  All that mumbo jumbo crap about hug and love your kids and as teenagers they will turn out great is ridiculous.  One woman I know has a son that she likes to brag she never spanked him.  Yep, and by the time he was 15, he had been arrested 3 times for shop lifting (that's caught, just imagine how many times he got away with it) and twice for vandalism of people's homes (spray painting someone's garage).  Ok, my kids aren't angels, but at least I tried to make them good citizens by teaching them right from wrong. 

Your right might be my wrong.  My right might be your wrong.  As long as it's not hurting anyone or their belongings or breaking the law, I don't care about your right or wrong, so you shouldn't care about mine. 

I don't care what you say about all the wanna-be divas of the last 30 years.  No diva was ever a better diva than the original disco diva herself:  Diana Ross.  No.  Shush.  You know I'm right and I don't wanna hear it!

I think organized religion is stupid.  I've never met so many closed minded, group think hypocrites in my life than people that take organized religion too seriously.  Killing people or kill doctors and other medical personnel to prove no one should kill "people" that haven't been born yet?  God wants you to picket people's funerals?  God wants you to hate people that have tattoos, ride motorcycles, dress differently than you, speak differently than you, are of a different race?  If God is our parent, don't all parents wish their children would just get along? 

I think if you're in high school right now and not university bound, plan on going to learn a trade at a community college at bare minimum. Plumbers, pipe fitters, welders, auto techs, et cetera will make as much as any average 4 year degree graduate. Don't limit yourself. You're better than that no matter what you think or have ever been told.
I think most fast food hamburgers suck. The new McDonald's quarter pounders aren't too bad, but I'd rather go to Chili's or some place like that for a burger.

Starbuck's is overpriced, mamsy-pamsy coffee.  Who the hell spends $5 on a cup of joe?  I mean seriously, how stupid are people?  Oh right, I'll have a mocha latte grande with soy and the whipped cream topping.

I think that politicians are liars.  God, assuming you believe in a God, will forgive us for being stupid children, and I can too.  I forgive politicians all the time...that I like.  Although in all honesty, if I catch them in a lie, I downgrade the trust factor.  I haven't actually met, watched, listened or read a politician that I haven't been able to find incongruencies (little lies) at minimum to bold face lies flying out of their pea brains and stupid mouths.  Good thing organized religion hasn't started thinking we should start killing liars.  All the politicians would be dead within a week, and probably 80% of the planet's population by the end of next month.  Whew.  Breath easy lying crap asses.

I don't think that someone who has a high school diploma and no education beyond should be able to assemble a plastic door (or any other part) and get paid more than a person with a four year degree after only working four years out of high school.  (And then we wonder why so few kids go to college...)

Newspapers used to be awesome, but we've become too lazy to read them anymore.  Shame too.  When they are totally a thing of the past what will we use for house training our dogs?

I really don't want to see any more 10 minute television ads about starving, homeless children in Himlayawazahootchie.  There are plenty of homeless and starving people here in the USA.  Can we take care of our own first? 

I like to live in my rose colored bubble where my world always has a bright side, where life gets better and nothing is ever as bad as it seems.  If you choose to live in a shithouse where everything is negative, you've always got something to bitch about and you like to wallow away in a miserable existence, well, good for you.  Just don't do anything to f*** up my rosy bubble and karma won't crush your shithouse in on you. 

Subway kinda sucks.  No really.  Too much bread, too little meat, and kinda expensive for what you get.  Just sayin'. 

If it's healthy for you, it should not have to taste like *ss.  No wonder we eat so much crap. 

I think that gays should be able to get married...and not like some stupid dude joke about letting them be as miserable as we heteosexuals can be when we marry.  We should let them marry because you don't choose who you fall in love with. I don't care about your religious arguments.  We live the United States of America--land of the religious freedom.  Let two people in love marry.  They don't believe in your God, and you don't believe in theirs either.  No harm, no foul.

I think that beer is better cold.  Europeans have it so wrong.  It's always better cold.  Water is better with ice too.  Sometimes the best things in life are cold.  Ask a snowboarder if you don't believe me. 

Burger King sucks. That whole flame broiled thing only counts if it's in a backyard. From Burger King it's a flimsy undersized burger that tastes like propane ash. Even my propane grilled burger using flimsy pre-formed burgers tastes better.

Money isn't the root of all evil.  People are the root of all evil.  If you've ever once crammed your religion down someone's throat, even your own children, yep, you.  If you've ever thought less of someone because they weren't "like" you--not as much money, not as good looking, more good looking, more money, nicer ass, fatter ass, drink more, drink less, go to church, don't go to church...well you get the picture right?  You pre-judged anyone for any reason and never had the good sense to think "this isn't them; this is me", then you are probably a schmuck that is part of the evil in the world.  Yes, that includes me; we have all been guilty at one time or another. 

Everything you read on the internet is not true.  Don't believe me?  Join Match.com and you'll find out that at least one third of everything that you read on the internet is completely made up. 

I think fat free foods are ridiculous.  Anything that is fat free has artificial preservatives.  I believe God (yes, I believe in God) provided for us just fine.  Sugar cane is God's gift.  Eat it.  That asawasaohmeouohmy humpdinkwalladingdong crap that you can barely pronounce on the label is no better than how easy it is to pronounce.  Su-gar.  See?  Easy schmeesy. 

I'm not ignoring you if I don't answer your call.  No one is always ignoring you.  Ok, some of you actually are always on ignore.

Why do churches collect and spend millions upon millions of dollars so that people's butts don't get sore sitting through 45 minutes of sermon? Or $1.2 MILLION on a giant cross? $300K on fancy windows? $75K on a fancy sound system? $90.5M on making religion entertaining? What could $1.2M, 300K, $91M do in a community? Build a homeless shelter and keep it running for years? Update public elderly care facilities for the poor that public funding is rarely available for normal upkeep, let alone improvements? I understand a new church facility might cost a couple hundred thousand dollars, even half a million, but really $1.2M on a giant idol of no use whatsoever, even when your religion teaches that such idolatry is a sin? The hypocrisy that abounds in organized religion just amazes me.  

The worst thing to happen to Halloween was that idiot that decided to start putting razor blades in apples.  I remember when the old lady down the street made homemade popcorn balls and all of us kids would hit her house over and over and over until she ran out.  She was nice.  Remember when we weren't worried about going through all of our kids' candy because she might be the witch from Hansel and Gretel.

Sometimes I don't feel like reading text messages or typing them.  If you're my kid and I'm calling you on the cell that I'm paying for, trust me, I do NOT feel like texting you. 

I'm not a fan of religion (duh), but "judge not lest ye be judged yourself".  Seriously, good advice...along with "live and let live", "never judge a book by its cover", and "let bygones be bygones". 

I think we sold chemical and nuclear weapons to the Middle East. Only an idiot wouldn't think we didn't have our dirty little paws in it somehow. And yes, I think the Russians (or old Iron Curtain countries) and/or China have their dirty little paws doing the same jacked up crap. If you think we and our Allies are innocent you might need an IQ test and we should eliminate you from the voting pool. Yes, I'm serious (unless I'm being sarcastic...you tell me).

Butter pecan ice cream is my favorite.  Unless, you have chocolate chip cookie dough, then that's my favorite.  Unless, you have raspberry white chocolate cheesecake ice cream, um, then yeah, that's my favorite. 

Movie theater popcorn is the best popcorn.  Unless it's Grams' oil popped over a fire (must be over a fire stove), thrown into a paperbag and shook with fresh butter and salt.  Nevermind, that doesn't exist anymore.  Movie theater popcorn is now the best popcorn. 

I think if you are upset that our President is black or wannabe black or mulato or a minority then you are a bigger idiot than any politician ever thought about being. There are so many real reasons to be upset at the current President of the United States--Obummercare, Benghazi, Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, the family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (the real reason that he wants to go to friggin' Syria). Seriously if the color of his skin is the main reason you don't like him, please check yourself in where Walt Disney had his head froze and see if they can freeze you now for analysis in some distant future where scientists might be able to fix the fact you might be a racist idiot. 

Without the Yardbirds there would be no rock music like we have today.  Yet you probably don't even know who the Yardbirds were.  Shame on you.  Go look it up. 

I think if you think you are better than other people you're going to really hurt yourself eventually.  You won't think you did it, and neither will the rest of us.  We've given it a fancy name.  OK, the Buddhists gave it a fancy name.  It's called Karma. 

OK, that stupid chicken sandwich, you know the parts-is-parts, 5 inch long chicken sandwich from Burger King, it is good when they put it on sale for $2.  Ok, yes, it's good regardless.  They must add some secret pheromone that makes you want to eat it. 

I know you don't want a smart phone.  It's probably because it would be too embarassing to admit a piece of electronic junk is smarter than you are.  Get over it.  The mass majority of us have. 

If you abuse a woman (or a man for that matter) that loves you, please get counseling.  Seriously, GO get counseling.  You're a dumbass that needs fixing.  I don't care if it's the way you were raised, if you don't want to admit, if you genuinely think that it was for her (his) own good, what-the-f***-ever.  Go to counseling and start treating that person with the respect that any human being deserves. 

Dairy Queen ice cream sucks, unless it's a soft serve cone with chocolate and sprinkles, then it completely rocks!!!

Caribou coffee is NOT as good as Starbuck's.  No discussion.

If you're a woman that doesn't like men, you're the problem.  If you're a man that hates all women, you're the problem.  I don't hate all men because my ex cheated on me.  Hell, I don't even hate him.  If you've hated on other people because of an ex, get over it.  Yes if the wound is fresh, easier said than done, I know.  But your ex is moving on; about time you did too. 

The greatest President of all time and why?  Too hard.  The greatest of the 1700s:  Only one makes it easy.  Washington, the Father of our Country.  1800s:  Lincoln.  Proved that government of the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.  1900s:  Well this is kind of a toss.  Roosevelt for saving the free world and the Allies.  We're still paying for the New Deal to this day, so that keeps him from winning overall.  Reagan for ending the Cold War.  Reaganomics too.  Still a toss though.  Roosevelt was elected 4x, but still at the time not the most popular President and why we now have a two term limit (bet half of you didn't know that).  Reagan was the most popular President in his second election of all time.  Of course we still pay for a lot of Reagan's poor and downtrodden programs to this day too.  Yep.  A toss.   2000s:  No, we won't go there.  There's only 2 to choose from and history is still being written. 

Mowing the lawn sucks.

Pretty much all household chores suck.

Incidently, for those of you bragging on your Obama phones, it was actually President Reagan that implemented the phone program in the 80s for the poor and elderly to get home phones under a government program.  Obummer just thought if he expanded it to cell phones that the idiots that want a free ride would vote for him.  BINGO!!!

I'm not an Obama fan, but he is the President of the United States.  Show some respect for the Office of the President even if the idiot we elected can't.  Two wrongs do NOT make a right.

Best comedian of all time, well, comedians:  Abbott and Costello.  Ashame that they ended up not being friends in the end.  They were a hoot.  Don't know who they are?  You know "Who's on second?  What's on first?"  Ugh, really?  Look it up on YouTube.  At least this way, you'll end this blog with a laugh.

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