Sunday, April 19, 2015

Hello? Is this thing on????

Some of the things that some people say or think never cease to amaze me.  A few months back, someone said to me that politicians don't affect our everyday life and therefore they didn't care if they voted or not.  Since they were sharing their opinion of the politicians, I replied that they had no reason to have an opinion then.  You might have one if you don't vote, but since you don't voice your opinion in the one way that it matters, it is as worthless as the paper it is written on, I told them.  So what is it that makes anyone think that vote doesn't count?  Sheer stupidity.  Yes, I will be so bold.  In a fascist regime, your vote would not count but you would be required to vote like it mattered.  Your voice would simply mimick whatever you were told to believe and if you spoke your true opinion, assuming that you had one, you would be arrested at minimum.  Murdered possibly, with the sanction of the government that you spoke out against.  Our government affects our everyday life.  In this new global world, with the Information Age in full blown force, minutes to hear of what happened halfway around the world versus weeks or months, every government on this planet can affect and impact our lives.  It is naive to believe otherwise, or wishful thinking at best.

First, ask yourself if you are working.  Is your health insurance better than it was 6 years ago?  Are your paying more for it?  What happened to increase your costs and reduce your benefits?  President Obama happened.  Obamacare happened.  And no matter what the Republicans may try to do to reverse it, the only organizations that benefited from Obamacare are the insurance companies--higher premiums and lower benefits.  More in and less out...any corporation's dream come true.  If you think the Republicans can or even want to unring that bell, well, I'm guessing you still believe in the tooth fairy too.  The impact one President had.

Ask anyone in the private jet industry.  Within six months of President Obama running his mouth about an industry that has been virtually untouched in decades by any recessions, they were struggling to keep even one fifth of the people that worked in their industry.  As a primary contributor to the United States GNP (Gross National Product), you would think that the President of the United States, who was supposedly trying desperately to save the American Economy, would have known  that before he opened his pie hole.  But of course, we are talking about someone who was appointed to the Illinois State Senate, then re-elected as an incumbent (another words not elected initially on his own), then 1/3 of a term as a US Senator and decided to run for President of the United States.  When this man started mulling over the possibility of running for President of the United States, one of the most powerful people in the world and one who's decisions potentially could impact everyone on the planet, he barely had over 5 years of political experience.  He had zero management experience.  No useful training for the illustrious position, the power of the position that is the President of the United States.  Yet, somehow managed to get up there by sheer lip service.

Now, he wishes to give away the farm to Iran.  Let's review Iran, shall we?  Iran hostages in the 1970s?  Ringing any bells?  Threatened, over and over regardless of their leadership, to destroy America.  You know America, the United States of America to be exact, the infidels?  Us.  Who do you think initially coined the term infidels to refer to America and Americans, in general?  Ah, yes, technically Iran.  Iran continues to finance global terrorism.  Thus why all the trade sanctions.  We don't want to help grow an economy that could use the money to finance more American and European and Asian allies deaths.  So, our illustrious idiot would like to lift sanctions and even more intelligently (feel the sarcasm) allow Iran to obtain nuclear ore.

Okay, let's say you think so what?  How does that affect me?  Doesn't affect me.  Not one bit.

After World War I, Richard Chamberlain, Prime Minister of England, gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler to appease him.  No one wanted war and no one wanted to make Hitler leave Poland.  So Prime Minister Chamberlain led the charge to appease potential German advances with territory and lifting of sanctions.  How did that work out for the world?  World War II proved to take more American lives than any war before or since.  Hitler marched his happy butt right into France.  Bombing of England day in and day out.  The Holocaust.  Do we really want to hand over ore that we have successfully prevented Iran from getting their hands on for decades?  Do we want to hand over the ability for Iran to level Rome, London, Paris, Hamburg, or even New York City?  Have we already forgotten the Twin Towers?  Are we so ignorant to history, that we will allow nuclear capability to be handed over to Iran with a smile, a handshake and a wink from a President who lives in his own little la-la land?  While I love the sound of the dream world he lives it, it is not the world that we actually live in.

President Obama has two more years in office, but the impact of handing over nuclear capability to Iran is forever.  It is a permanent decision that affects every person in every country, free or not, on this planet.  Call your Congressmen, call your Senators, email, snail mail...Call the White House.  While President Obama's blunders so far are costing us money in our pockets, this blunder could eventually lead to a nuclear attack on one of our cities.  New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Seattle, San Francisco.  Imagine a nuclear wasteland on Long Island or where the Golden Gate used to stand.  No one, not even in other countries, ever imagined that someone would fly planes into the World Trade Centers.  I'm pretty sure none of us are so naive anymore as to assume that could never happen now.  Imagine if just one of those planes had a nuclear weapon on it.  Are you sure that you want to turn a blind eye as the President now hands that capability over willingly to those that have swore death to all Infidels, to all Americans?  Hello?!?!?  Wake up America.

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