Sunday, September 29, 2019

Different Spanks for Different Ranks

I started my morning how I start every Sunday morning.  Reading the Post.  I generally will then surf WSJ, the Tribune, the Free Press, BBC and DW (Deutsche Welle).  I read only one article this morning.  Just the Post dis-secting Trump's self victimization portrait.  It has been the staple of his brand.  Donald Trump is a success or he's the victim.  It's someone else's fault.  The man simply cannot conceive of his own failures.  But it's more.  It's his self serving sense of entitlement. 

Last week a friend commented that he "likes" Trump's "values" because they "are the same" as his.  I know most of us immediately flash to the racist rhetoric because ultimately Trump is completely unapologetic for saying the most racist things and certainly is not ashamed at all by his endorsement from the KKK.  In fact, consistently referring to them as "good people" while the rest of us cringe at the history of cross burnings, lynchings, and the famous murders including the murders of civil rights activists in Mississippi (Refer to the movie "Mississippi. Burning" if you have no idea what I'm talking about.)  Things most of us don't want to talk about anymore, but that Trump has shoved in our faces like a lightening rod setting an entire forest on fire.  We can't deny it's part of his "brand" from the 70's where he wouldn't rent to "coloreds" to the 80's when his full page ad accusing 5 black men of a horrible crime actually ended with NY taxpayers paying $41M in restitution because the same men were wrongly convicted to now, where he spearheaded the infamous "birther" conspiracy, attacks black athletes for invoking their Constitutional Rights, calls "all" Mexicans "rapists" and "murderers", and refusing to condemn white supremacists.  Why would he?  The KKK is pouring a lot of money his way through their endorsement in 2015 and again with the endorsement for 2020 this past July.  (It must be a LOT of money to be the only President since the 1950's not to distance himself.)  So I'm sure anyone with any sense would wonder are these the "values" that match this friend's? 

I promise you if I had confronted him, he would swear up and down that isn't the case, but he seemed equally oblivious to the black woman who he had given the answer to was wretching with every fiber in her body.  If she or I had said anything along that lines, he would've simply shut down, exasperated for being "stereotyped" through his own words.  The general population view it quite simply.  You voted and support an openly racist man? (We've already covered why.) Then you're bound to be stereotyped like you're a racist. 

Let's be honest.  "White" America is racist. Every last one of us, even the women. Even me (yes I grew up around Hungarian Americans that looked just like me--but that's a story for another day).  The mass majority of us grew up believing everyone was equal.  Some of us ventured out of our comfort zones and discovered that wasn't true.  It was an illusion and it's still an illusion.  We all, including me, those of us that have realized it's an illusion, have to fight what was ingrained at an early age what we were taught was "right" versus what is actually true.  My friend, well, he's living in la la land.  He wants to leave those rose colored  glasses on.  Who can blame him?  Wouldn't we all?

But the reality is that he, as a "white" looking (because just because you look it doesn't mean you are) male in America, well the reality is:  He has had it better than roughly 65% of other Americans just based on his sex and "color".  Women are over 50% of the population--in fact have always been at least 45%.  Minority men make up roughly half of that 65%.  Yet, one only needs to look at Corporate America's upper echelon, the number of Congressmen, Senators, even the Presidency (getting really sick of the sycophants on the far left (Trump haters) and the far right (Obama haters) not capitalizing the word because they think an idiot or black man means to disrespect the Office). One black man in over 200 years and no woman in the main office shows you exactly how much easier it is to be a "white" male.

It's not a reality most "white" males want to look at in the eye.  It's difficult looking in the mirror and thinking "I've worked hard for what I have" and reconciling that some people didn't get that Right just because they were born female or a different "color".  That's where the racists, the supremacists, step in.  "Poor you.  They don't get it.  They have the same opportunities you do.  They just don't...." Blah, blah, blah.  The same bullshit they've been selling for a couple hundred years. Packaging is a little different, but just the same tired victim mentality that Trump loves.  Thus why he won't condemn them.  And here's a reality check.  That's why these "white" Trump supporters can't let go either. 

We are looking at a basic idea in their heads, but it's not racism.  The basic, right down to the nitty gritty of it, is far more internal.  Most of "white" male America, okay half based on Trump's polling numbers, is upset with the equalization of inequality.  That's right.  They're not mad about race, per se.  They're not upset about women, per se (thus why some women jumped on the train too).  They are upset that they are facing equalization.  Something they always fooled themselves was "equal".  But the numbers don't support that everything was ever equal.  The numbers aren't even equal now.  The reality, and they all know it, is things are not equal and never have been. 

But that's where we get into this word "values".  My friend's values are not racist.  He's not a card carrying member of the klan.  He's opposed to those heinous assholes just as much as anyone with any common sense is.  His "value" is what he's been taught since we were kids.  "Everyone is equal."  He's just having an impossible time admitting that was a lie.  He knows but he's not able, not wanting to admit, that his middle class, educated life, well, that it was NEVER offered to everyone.  It's a tough pill to swallow. 

The reality, all of our reality, is that the greatest country in the world (personal opinion), the great USA, is still unequal.  Maybe even less equal than other countries.  We hate that. I hate that.  But some of us face it and try to remind ourselves that it's still not equal.  We remind ourselves it's a work in progress.  In other cases, like my friend, well he's "white" and male, so as that equality comes he's easily duped into what he's supposedly missing.  He's not missing shit.  The rest of us are just catching up.  The 80¢ on the dollar the average American female makes compared to her male counterpart (salary, because the high school or less educated hourly are protected by Federal laws, if they realize they are) is the epitome of inequity.  And it's the same for minority men.  It's getting better. Yes, grant you.  But certainly a whiny bitch in the White House who stokes the "value" that somehow "white" men have lost something.... Well suddenly it all makes sense.

If you are one of these guys, it's tough. I get it. You feel fucked by a system. Even though, it was always and still is in your favor.  Albeit not as much.  Do you realize how sad and pathetic that actually sounds?  Probably not. You still think we were all equal to start with.  You might even cite how poor you grew up. Isn't that cute? Doesn't that prove your point?  That might bring it closer--except a poor trailer trash "white" male has been President more than half a dozen times from President Grant to President Clinton.  So no, compared to only one black male and zero women Presidents?  Cry me a river.  Grow the fuck up.

I do get it.  I have "white" sons.  My problem is you don't get it.  Your precious "value" you share with Trump?  Is whiny bitch.  How dare the rest of us, 65% give or take, want to be treated the same as you.  Taken seriously if we are women.  Not targeted if we are the wrong color.  Geesh, you think, get over itNow THAT would be fine coming from anyone but you, but that's because then it sounds "fair".  But even when you hear it from some special "privileged" minority, you know.  Deep down you know.  They are the exception and you are the rule.  And that is only the start of different spanks for different ranks.

Next time. Ladies version of different ranks... From with men to between ourselves.  Have an amazing day!

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