Tuesday, November 15, 2011

me, me, me, me, me...welcome to United States politics

what is it about a lot of people today that makes them really think that the world revolves all around them and they are the all encompassing bestest of the bestest? has the world become more that way or has it always been that way? now, don't get me wrong. there are plenty of wonderful people out there, but well, like my grams used to say, one rotten apple can spoil the whole barrel. think about how much harder it is becoming to find someone that isn't asking you for something for their own benefit. think about how the religious people of the world always seem to have it right and everyone that doesn't follow their belief has to be wrong. think about how many people we come across every day or week that are working in the service industry that act like they are doing us a personal favor by getting us the latte that they are paid to pour. consider politicians and other political mongers that seem to be oblivious to what the people that voted for them want or need. the real reason for all this seems pretty obvious. they don't care about anyone else but themselves, and by God, the rest of us will suffer for it.

we all know the problems herman cain is experiencing in his campaign. (yes people this is going to be an all out crucificion of politicians.) did he sexually harass someone? maybe. the lines have changed over the years. did he win any brownie points with any of us when his wife did her tammy wynette "stand by my man" routine? nope. since she opened her mouth, he's lost over 10% in most polls. why? when that dumb b*tch hillary did it on 60 minutes the first time billy boy clinton ran for President, most of the american public was so impressed; his ratings went up. (remember the gennifer flowers affair?) hell, we were so enthalled with that moron's antics we elected him twice. it was a non-stop circus while he was in office: the chinese hookers meeting air force one, the dress, the intern...of course, it wasn't just sexual antics--oh no--whitewater (ah yes how quickly some forget), the military guard and secret service members that died while working for clinton--more than any other President in history (and no one actually tried to assassinate his *ss), the shooting at the starbucks near george washington university where an intern who was allegedly sexually harassed by the billy boy was killed, oh and my personal favorite, the impeachment. "oral sex" isn't sex?!?!? that explains a lot if hillary is a lesbian doesn't it? they're really not unfaithful to each other then. carpet munching and cigar puffing doesn't count. and, we, and all the rest of the world, got to see all that unfold in the tabloids--no other President has graced the cover of trash mags like the enquirer more than billy boy. so we're gun shy. we don't want another fiasco in the White House. thank you, but no thanks and the polls say it. maybe herman can recover. but i was still behind him, until the "stand by my man" speech. that lady nailed his political coffin shut, at least for me. if he can't be honest with you honey, he sure as hell won't give a rat's ass about being honest to the American public.

but herman and billy boy aren't even the tip top of the iceberg. oh no, let's consider sarah "dingbat" palin. first of all, yes, before anyone harps on me for calling her a "dingbat", watch her show about alaska--the weekly (oh God, what the hell were they thinking giving her any type of show?!?!) ding-a-ling antics of a woman who's hypocrisy seems to have no limit. she's a far right wing, tea party, get us back to the real roots of things? she's religious, christian, believes in consquences for actions...daughter prego in high school, advocating (although ever so indirectly according to her) the possible murder of various congressional leaders--not that it might resolve some things but let's face it putting a map with crosshairs and suggesting that people need to be shot...well, let's just say it's at least in poor taste, and my personal favorite--her lesbian best friend that she parades around like a carnival monkey. really?!?! she supposedly advocates gay marriage, and yet, couldn't seem to sign a bill into law in alaska after their state congressional body had passed it. it needed to go to the voters. she's either a coward or phony or both. next.

did anyone watch 60 minutes this week? (yea, why, i'll give you the commentary.) United States congressional members (wait for it, wait for it) can practice insider trading and it's all perfectly LEGAL for them!!!!! why yes virginia, there is a santa claus--if you get elected to congress. repugnicans and demoncrats alike. we put martha stewart in prison for insider trading. you, me, enron officers...we all go to jail if we do it. not nancy pelosi or newt gingrich or john boener or eric cantor or joe biden (yes, technically the Vice President is part of the United States Senate)....nope, they get a free pass to use any and all insider information that they receive to trade with no ramifications. hmmmm, now let this tickle your brain cells for a minute: that means that those big pocketed f*ckers who provide them all the gifts and the funding for their campaigns can just give them insider information and those *ssholes can do whatever they want with it. nice. what a koosh job.

but they still have other perks (because it is, afterall, all about them): free checking where they can bounce themselves into oblivian and be 5 to 6 figures in the hole and we pay for all of it (doesn't it just bring a tear to your eye how great it is for them?), free healthcare--best in the nation (they don't pay for it, because we, the working American public, pay for them. yep.), paid vacations to all kinds of exotic places on lobbyists or their wealthy contributors or, my personal favorite, on our dime!!! yep. (doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?) AND THEY B*TCH ABOUT CUTTING 5% FROM THEIR OFFICE BUDGETS? i wonder how much could we save ourselves, the taxpayers, if we cut out just the pork bellies we provide for congressional idiots? (just sayin'--because we all know they won't ever cut those pork bellies out themselves...)

of course, it wouldn't be right for me to ignore obummer. yea, the rest of the world likes him--because he's a p*ssy. apologizes for our conduct? we'll never see the french president apologize for france. the Queen herself would fall over from shock. ironically, that moron didn't realize we've always been asked. we were asked into kuwait by their leadership because iraq invaded. we've been asked (and they paid for the base) to qutar. they don't want anyone coming in there--they're the richest country in the world (if you don't count the vatican), so who can blame them? we were asked to stay in japan after north korea started nuclear testing (odd how that worked out well for us...but another blog). just torques my wrench. imagine President Ronald Reagan apologizing to the USSR...as if. he's never held a real job...ok, perhaps that really is the qualification for a politician. he wants to make all of us maintain health insurance or be penalized for it--read the fine print--penalized for not buying it. since when can the President and congress tell us what we have to buy? (come on Supreme Court! i still have faith in you....but another blog.) he says stup*d sh*t like "quit flying private jets" because he thinks the upper class is a bad place to be (for everyone but him of course), without first considering that the great United States still leads that industry in design, manufacturing, servicing...talk about chokeholding yourself into passing out!!! the problem with obummer is simple: he's so hellbent on his own agenda because he's so much smarter than the rest of us that he doesn't actually give a sh*t why the people that voted for him put him there. there's nothing more me, me, me, me, me than thinking that you know better than everyone else.

i'd love to tell obummer, there's a difference between arrogance and confidence. i hear nothing but self-serving arrogance when i've listened to his speeches. "you must pass this plan. you will pass this plan. you must...you will...i've put together this plan and it's the right plan, it's the bestest plan...." blah, blah, blah. it's nauseating arrogance of how much more superior he really believes himself to be. he's a decent orator though. actually very good. but pick it apart and it's like looking at a picture of pot roast. we can see the meat and potatoes, but they have no aroma, no texture, no steam rolling off the top. it's a pretty picture, but no substance. how do we cut millions of dollars from our budget? obummer's answer: "i'll leave that to congress to decide". yes, darling while that all sounds wonderful on the paper you wrote it on, i'd like to be able to feed my kids at the end of the day. show me the beef.

confidence. well, i'm pretty sure that not many, if any, of those bozos in washington have confidence. they all look to be arrogant though. they can lie through their teeth--no consequences. they all seem thrilled to have the titles--congressman, congresswoman, senator. they all know what it means to get for themselves and everso graciously accept all the pork bellies that they bestow upon themselves. don't get me started on some stupid junior congressman saying it was ok and we shouldn't blame them because the pork bellies were voted in decades ago and almost no one there is "responsible" for those votes. you morons are all responsible--you accepted a job, you are arrogant enough to believe that you should keep it without actually representing the people that voted you in there, and you don't mind that you have special things not afforded legally to any of your constituents. a confident person wouldn't need the pork bellies, wouldn't care about the favors and would be "responsible" to fix issues even if it wasn't of their making. confidence would stand up to arrogance and say enough is enough. instead we have a bunch of little high school kids seeing how much they can get for themselves and the hell with the rest of us. it's like a washington dc version of "mean girls".

the only real question is: when is the American public truly going to have enough and grassroots a change to our great Constitution to state that Congress and the President must abide by the same laws as the rest of us???? (And yes, our great Constitution actually does allow for us to do this...look it up)

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