Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Year's what?

Happy New Year!!!  Right.  OK, let's be honest every year hundreds of thousands of thousands of us make "New Year's Resolutions"--things we think we want to do or not do in the next year, changes that we think we want to make to our lives, or just little nothings that sound good to us.  I suppose there are always things we'd like to change.  Of course, I'm pretty thankful usually for the things I can't change too.  Everything happens for a reason, although frankly I'm not sure what those reasons are more often than not.  So, generally I'm not a big fan of the new year's resolutions.  I think if you really want to change anything you'll do it regardless of the time of year.  Of course, if you read last year's new year's blog, I might be sounding like a broken record, EXCEPT this year I've decided to make something.  I'm not calling them resolutions, more of promises to myself--since if I give my word, it's as good as gold.  So, I'm giving my word to myself that I'm going to do some things for myself.  

1.  I'm going to quit being a "pack rat".  Not completely, but the recent move has made me realize not just how much "stuff" I have but how much stuff I really don't need.

2.  That promise has nothing to do with shoes or purses.  A girl can never have too many cute shoes or purses.  

3.  I'm going to distance myself from difficult people.  I know so much easier said than done, but I'm not talking about eliminating them from my life.  I'm talking about just putting some distance, either real or metaphoric, between them and me.  I have a couple of difficult friends.  I love them all the same, but I just don't want to have their issues upsetting my apple cart.  If they need me, I'll still be around.  I just won't be hanging out with them regularly.  

4.  I'm going to the beach.  I've been putting off a trip for a few years now for the most ridiculous reason.  It's so ridiculous I'm not going to tell you why.  I'm just going to the beach.  Tropical, with rum runners, sun and fun.  

5.  I'm going to fall in love again.  It's really easy to love, but being in love is something that makes us feel alive.   The best part about being in love is that it connects us with our inner youth.  It reminds us that we are still kids at heart.  I think this is a good goal for anyone, whether married or with someone or single.  If you're married and you don't think that you're in love anymore--figure out how to get back to it.  If you're dating someone and it's not that fluttery butterfly feeling and it's not someone that you would forgive almost every transgression, then it's time to either cut that person loose or find it with that person.  If you're single, then it's time to have that feeling again.  I look back and I've only loved unconditionally once.  If I'm honest, my ex did the one thing I would never forgive.  Yet, I know that for one person I would've even forgiven that.  Yep, I'm going to fall in love again.  

6.  I'm going to make at least one new great friend this year.  Why not?  I've made at least one good friend almost every year of my life.  I've got some good friends that should be upgraded.  I'm thinking that only one is probably a low goal.  Maybe I'll make two or three great friends this year.  

7.  I'll not beat myself up over the things that other people do.  The new job is definitely driving that message home.  Sometimes the things that people do, they do it to themselves.  I've always tried to help people find the right path.  It's not really my responsibility and I get that.  I'm not going to stop helping people because some people can't see the forest through the tree they have their noses crammed into.  But I'm going to quit self depreciating because they don't want to do the right thing, they won't do the right thing or they simply choose to not do the right thing.  Each of us creates our own crosses to bear.  I don't have to help them bear crosses of their own makings.  

Alrighty then.  I was going to shoot for 10, but apparently I'm shooting for 7.  I'll let you know how it goes next December.  

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