Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Again, turn off the moron switch...

The Deplorables are so proud of themselves.  Hahaha.  I didn't like Clinton calling anyone names, but then it didn't seem to phase any of the Trump fans when he said things about people far worse.  Plus, they took it as a badge of honor.  Thing about it is that they won.  I knew one of the two sides would win, and I suppose if I was in a state that my vote could have swung it one way or the other I would have had to sit down and try and decide which was actually the lesser of two evils.  I was fortunate.  I knew my state was landing flat on Trump's side.  My vote wasn't actually going to matter.  No way Johnson could take my state.  I just wanted to send a loud clear message that those of us that were familiar with how this shit works were ready to start voting outside the two parties.  Send the message to clean up their acts.  I'm just as angry as everyone else in this country.  I viewed a Trump victory as a step backwards.  But I viewed a Clinton victory as accepting the abandonment of Americans that resulted in 4 dead.  It was a no win, no win situation.

I did think that if Clinton won, the Trump following would whine and carry on for a while.  I thought this was actually an argument for Trump to win.  If he won, they would feel vindicated and be able to move on.  A Clinton loss seemed to be the easiest way to end the arguing.  Of course, it was supposedly going to be a Clinton win.  Which looked like it would go on and on and on.  Whining that she was a criminal.  Trump screaming how it was all fixed.  Ad nauseum.  A Trump win while scary as hell would probably end the divide sooner.

Well, the hell with that.  The Trump following has been blowing up the social media, FB in particular, like its going out of style.  So glad I didn't bet $100 on my analysis above.  I'm mortified and it's just day one.  Based on what I thought if Clinton won, I'm almost willing to bet now that the gloating will go on until after Thanksgiving.  They don't know how to be gracious.  The Clinton whiners stopped as soon as you pointed it out to them.  Some, and by some I mean a lot, of the Trump voters are still posting shit now.  They don't seem to realize they won.  The worst is the ones that are working it overtime are the same asshats that posted non-stop about the election day in, day out.  They claim it's because they had to put up with the Clinton posts.  What Clinton posts?  Most of them don't know anyone that didn't vote the same way as they did.  I saw anti-Trump posts.  I have friends on that side of the fence.  Some of them got pissy with me, because during this election being in the middle meant you were on the other side.  No I was straddling that fence trying to get both sides to see how they were being used.  Likewise, my anti-Clinton friends were like piranha.  Non-stop bashing Clinton.  I bashed both.  I got yelled at for bashing either.  I got cursed at, threatened and called a slew of names.

So excuse me assholes, but it's time you stop.  ALL of you.  Clinton lost.  Trump is the President elect.  Period.  My message by voting for Johnson was simple.  We are sick of the divide in this country.  Those of us that voted that way did so because we have gone way passed being mad because the politicians don't listen or don't represent us or don't do their jobs.  The people who got into this fight got in on the tail end.  In a year, hell a couple months, it will be business as usual.  I know they don't want to hear it and God knows they probably won't believe it until a year or more goes by.  For those of us that have been disenfranchised for over 10 to 20 years, know exactly what I'm talking about.  We all knew Clinton wasn't change.  And, we all watched Trump carefully.  He looked like taking leaps backwards.  We shall see.  But those of you that are still growling after winning--I'll tell you the same thing I told Obama supporters the last two elections.  You are not helping.  You are making it worse.  You are furthering the divide that started after the Reagans left office and the political scene.  It's been downhill ever since.  And the arguing and dirty politics is now fully engulfed all of us.  Shut up already.  Shake hands.  Start pretending like you hear what the Clinton voter is saying--maybe you'll start actually listening.  Likewise, to the Clinton supporters.  They know what Trump is.  And they don't care.  But you didn't care what Clinton was.  Enough.

We have let them take our country from us.  The rich, fancy Ivy League.  The majority--more than 70% of us are middle class.  No color.  No politics.  Just the guy living next door trying to make ends meet.  Just the lady next door trying to raise her kids.  We don't live in their world and they have no idea what our world is like.  I really hope that Trump can deliver what just over 200K more people than voted for Clinton believe he can deliver.  I think it might be a pipe dream.  Trump ran on divide and it looks like that is still holding strong with a lot of those that voted for him--at least on social media.  I hope I'm wrong.  I'm hoping that he can somehow get everyone on the same page, but based on his following so far, it's going to be a very long and arduous road.

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