Monday, August 14, 2017

Saluting a swastika....

There is one thing that has to be said right off the bat.  Most of us are just trying to live everyday, average middle American lives.  Regardless of whether we make up the top or bottom or anywhere in between, most of us are working full time jobs.  Most of us are worried about the economy, because regardless of politics, we all know that the economy is not what it was 10 years ago.  The majority of us know that the planet needs us to think about what we are doing to it--regardless of politics.  We all want the divide to end--yes, even those that you see in your friends feeds on social media that share something that you disagree with.  The best of intentions and all that.  That being stated.  This country has become polarized.  Period.  And why?  Well, it's kind of super simple.  Some, even though they fit the above statements, are still sharing stuff that isn't really their view.  It's a small bit of what they think and bam!  They don't share their own thoughts.  They share Bozo the Clown's.  One liners, no matter what anyone would like to believe, are not fixing the issues in this country.  And some idiot ranting justifying what happened in Charlotteville--don't care their point of view--isn't helping.  The facts are simple.  A bunch of racists who were singing praises of racism and saluting the Nazi flag wanted to have a "peaceful" demonstration. 

So let's talk about the "peaceful" demonstration.  A bunch of white racists who readily identified themselves with racist organizations stood around chanting and saluting the Nazi flag.  My Grams' brother lost his entire unit in Europe when the Nazis hit their unit with a mortar.  He survived because he was sitting right next to where it impacted and was thrown straight up into the air.  He was completely deaf in the one ear and mostly in the other.  He landed back in the center of his buddies' body parts.  He was a good man who lived a quiet life after, but this wonderful man who might have been a wonderful father and husband could never recover from his PTSD to have that wonderful life and family.  I see some dumbass throwing their right arm up to that f***ing red, white and black, swastika bearing piece of shit so-called flag and I am not just nauseated.  I am angry.  I am frustrated for all the Americans that paid with their lives--whether they died or not--are being disrespected.  I'm confused and mortified that so many of you that I served with are not equally angered by this.  So "peaceful" my ass.  You start saluting a Nazi flag in the greatest country in the world that ended the reign of terror?  You are disrespecting every American that served to end WWII.  

But let's keep talking about how "peaceful" this demonstration was.  It ended with some racist dumbass driving his car into a crowd of people who were exercising their equal rights to Freedom of Speech by protesting their "peaceful" swastika worshiping demonstration with chants of their own.  So what started as a "peaceful" disrespect for thousands of WWII American veterans ended in a terrorist act with a racist, swastika worshiping moron trying to kill others.  That's it in a nutshell.  

Yes, I'm sure some of you are buying the racist divide bullshit that some of these dressed up in polo shirts or nice suits with their big white smiles and nice calm cold tones are selling, because I've seen enough of it in the last couple of days to make me want to puke.  Even worse, many of you are veterans.  Let someone disrespect one of our own like that and you normally would go ballistic against the jerk disrespecting one of us.  Yet, these right arm saluting, swastika waving morons get a pass?  Even your respect?  WTF.  A statement, not a question.  Even coming to their defense with statements like "well what about Louis Farrakhan?"  Well, what about him?  He's a piece of shit.  So obviously if you're whipping him out, you know this white guy you just defended is a piece of shit too.  The only way to defend a piece of shit is by justifying his behavior with the equally detestable.  As Grams used to say "two wrongs won't make a right".  

Are there still inequities in this country?  Yes, there are.  It's just a fact.  Things take time to equal out.  Wounds take time to heal.  Am I saying that "white" men aren't being blamed?  Well, I'm not a white male, obviously, but I do sometimes feel like they are getting the short end of the stick.  But why?  Well, defending dumbasses saluting swastikas and committing crimes?  Seriously?  Look at this way.  White uneducated trash makes up the majority of this country still--not poor uneducated minorities.  Yet, poor, uneducated minorities, particularly black men, make up the majority of the prison population.  Statistically, this is an impossibility.  It's impossible mathematically.  So what accounts for it?  That bias that many are exhibiting.  Let a black man drive his car into a crowd to intentionally harm as many people as possible.  If the crowd is a bunch of other blacks?  He's going to prison for a long time.  Now if it's a crowd of whites?  He'll probably never get out.  He might even get the needle treatment.  Good, right?  Do any of you realize how many actually justified this white moron driving into other whites by making statements like "well, this wasn't a race crime, because he drove into white people".  No, it was an act of terrorism.  They disagreed with him and he wanted to make sure that they were terrified into never disagreeing with him again...much like the Nazis of WWII that my great Uncle's buddies died fighting.  He should get the maximum sentence just like if he was a black man, not an average American white male defending his heinous behavior.  Equal time for equal slime, and nothing wasn't slimy about this "peaceful" protest.  

Unfortunately, I really am ashamed of many of my friends.  During the Obama administration, I was ashamed of the "white" friends that I had that were somehow helping stoke the divide by "blaming" the rest of us for not acknowledging the issues.  It's not that we don't know what happened in the past was wrong.  We do.  Now, I'm actually mortified at the "white" friends I have for defending this racist shit.  I know that many of you got sick of hearing blame during the 8 years of the Obama administration.   I did too.  I lost several "liberal" friends because I was sick of it.  But saluting swastikas and trying to kill people that were pissed because they were saluting swastikas?  Really?  WTF is wrong with some of you.  Again, not a question.   A statement of respect  for those Americans that served this country in WWII to end Nazism.  

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