Saturday, December 11, 2010

brett farve and the side line reporter...

really? this story has gone on and on for the entire season. so i'm sitting there doing something that required me to not channel check at that moment, and on comes some blurbage of the stupid story (ok, not blurbage, more like droning on crap for 10 minutes...). i really haven't paid any attention at all. when it started in pre-season, she just struck me wrong. not sure why, but she did. and of course, i'm not a brett farve fan anymore since he crapped on the hometown team, the green bay packers (see a previous blog from last season). so truly not interested. until forced to listen basically by a moment of can't get to the damn remote...

so, here's point 1. brett farve is married. almost every woman on the planet knows that considering that he was listed in the top 10 bachelors for years by almost every chick magazine on the planet. yes, we could probably go over what i think of him sending naked pics of himself to this sideline reporter. i don't really doubt it, but it doesn't really seem relevant. (bare with me. there's a reason that i just think it's not relevant.)

point 2. all of the texts that have been turned over were in 2008. 2008!!!! so, ummm, this does actually bring up an obvious point of contention with me. why did this little sideline reporter who's posed for maxim magazine wait until this past summer to "break" her story??? (let's come back to this one, shall we?)

point 3. why are some of his texts telling her that he's going to be late? or coming over? or sounding more like he has something more than just a sexual perv sending rude texts and rude pics to her? i mean she's making it sound like it was sexual harassment.

point 4. all the texts were from his phone, but the naked pics weren't. hmmm. i'm confused. if he's sending naked pics, why send texts from one phone and naked pics from another? how does that work? text from phone a: 'check out my *stuff*' and followed by pic message from phone b...can't brett afford a pic message capable phone? did he inadvertantly drop his phone while getting stripped down and pick up someone else's phone to take the picture? who owns that other phone?

point 5. the other phone's owner is not identified. in fact, one comment lead the listener to believe it was a throw-away phone, based on the comment from her in some interview that brett didn't want his wife to know about the messages was probably why. umm, ok, so he's deleting the text messages, but not the pic messages? (cuz you know i'm not buying that brett farve cannot afford a pic capable cell phone in 2008...)

point 5. the little sideline reporter had her 15 minutes of fame with the maxim spread. she probably thought that would increase her popularity and lead to bigger and better things. she looks like that type (as i stated earlier, she just struck me wrong). so, well, it did likely lead to bigger, better things. ah, yes....wait for it, wait for it, wait for it....

i think this little bimbo was tired of being a sideline sidebar during football games. she did the maxim spread in hopes of boosting her male following and increasing her overall chances of a better job. it did definately catch the attention of a lot of men at the time, i was sure of it as they flashed the pics from the spread on tv. but like every shallow bimbo finds out, it swings her some attention, but the whole package has to be there to keep the attention. she's got the looks, but no meat and potatoes behind it. she's no danika patrick. she's a pretty face, maybe fairly smart, but when it comes right down to it, she lacks the long term umpf. (don't ask me what umpf is...i only know it's like that magic beanstalk bean that you only know it when you see it grow into a beanstalk...)

so the assessment of the points above: bimbo had an affair with brett farve. let's face the facts as presented: he's married, another tiger we really think the pompous jerk that has reared his ugly head as far as how he views his obligations to the packers wouldn't cheat? lmao, of course we think he would cheat. she's screwing a married man. she thinks she's hot sh*t. and most importantly, she thinks she has the world by the perverbial b*lls. until she realizes her career isn't flourishing from her maxim spread, her married boyfriend won't leave his wife, and now she's turning into psycho whore--smart-ish psycho whore, but psycho whore, nonetheless. she saved all those text messages (that in itself lends creedance to psycho) because she wanted to make sure that she could embarrass her married lover when it suited her. but 2008?!?! really honey? no, she didn't complain about sexual harassment in 2008 because it was mutual. but now, she doesn't want to sound like the ground grubbing whore screwing a married man, but she wants to regain media attention--boost her career. afterall, negative attention is still attention, isn't it? ummm, yea, somehow no matter how we slice that or dice it, she sounds like a ground grubbing skeezer sleezer looking for her meal ticket. oh, and add bonus points that she was able to embarrass that jerk that wouldn't leave his wife for her and bonus super b*tch points for hurting his wife, because afterall, his wife hasn't left him so she could have him--yet.

i'm not fond of womanizers, per previous blog, but i'm equally not fond of money grubbing, sleezes and whores that try to use sob stories to get men (and even other women) to protect them from the big bad mess that they made for themselves. her story reeks holes, because she left out the points that would make her sound bad, because the good news is even whores know they're whores. so, yea, honey, instead of 15 minutes, you got 30. good for you. channel check.

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