Saturday, January 21, 2017

Still hoping I'm wrong....

Since I didn't vote for either of the major party candidates, I have the luxury of telling anyone that voted for either candidate their behavior during the election and now after is atrocious.  I didn't vote for Trump, but he's President of the United States now.  I didn't vote for Obama either.  But he was President of the United States.  Some of you really need to learn to respect the Office even if you don't like the man.  Period.  Quit finger pointing and acting like little toddlers fighting over a new toy.  You look like dumbasses on BOTH sides of the fence.  Believe me--those of us that are stuck in the middle are sick of both of you.  And by you I mean you all as a collective.

First, if you are a Trump voter, the majority of you die hard followers were obnoxious during the election.  Please do not pretend that you don't remember it that way.  You were.  You screamed at anyone that said they wouldn't vote for Trump.  Clinton supporters didn't.  YOU DID.  You insulted.  Some of you physically attacked people who didn't agree with you.  Many of you were so obnoxious even I wanted to deck you and I'm not a Clinton supporter.  You didn't appreciate anyone else's point of view and it is still showing in some of you even now.  "We are all Americans" Trump said in his speech yesterday.  But you are still the first ones telling other people to shut up, suck it up, and taunting people who disagree with you.  You are not acting like Americans.  You didn't obviously appreciate those words.  To you by the way you act those words only apply to you.  Also, you whined and whined and whined that the system was rigged before the election.  Don't remember that?  I remember several of you doing this.  But it wasn't now, was it?  So telling the other side of the fence to shut up about it not being fair???  Hell, you did it and you hadn't even lost yet.  How much more obnoxious can some of you be??  You don't like the protests?  Yet, many of you protested Obama.  Many of you called him n*gger, tar baby, and whole slew of other racist slurs.  Hell, I've even heard those slurs in the last couple weeks and seen them on social media.  It's still on some of your FB pages.  Yet, I find it laughable that the same people are demanding respect for the new President.  It's baffling what a bunch of hypocrites you are.  

As for you Clinton supporters, you are acting exactly like the Trump supporters did before the election.  It's embarrassing.  You were all so quick to point out when the Trump supporters were acting ridiculous and now you are doing it yourselves.  Unbelievable. Same bs--opposite side of the fence.  I'd berate you, but I already did in perfect words.  Just put Clinton or Obama in the above paragraph and  switch the word "during" to "after" the election and BAM!  That's you now.  

It basically comes down to one thing my Grams always used to say, "Two wrongs don't make a right."  Many of us wanted Obama gone and pretty much no one imagined, even Trump's own supporters, that he was actually going to be the one sworn in yesterday.  Truth is that President Trump owes his Presidency to Obama.  Obama didn't listen to us, the people, and that's why almost half of the country voted against anymore Obama.  Am I convinced that Trump is the devil?  Nope.  I don't think Obama was either.  But Obama, no matter what any of you die hard supporters want to say lacked true leadership skills.  He is smart, and a good husband and father.  But he told people what to do, and well, as Americans, we just don't actually like that.  In every single State of the Union address he would use the words "you will", "you must", "you have to"....That's not leadership.  A true leader makes you want to follow him or her because they a worthy of following--not because you are told you have to.  Now, truth be told we have no idea what kind of President Trump will be.  So acting out makes no sense.  Yes, he said some hateful things during his campaign and he's not going to apologize.  That's the kind of person he is.  It won't happen.  Tough twinkies.

We don't know if Trump's going to be a good or bad President either.  Similar to Obama, he has no real political experience.  Obama really had almost none.  Trump has even less.   We already lived 8 years of a smart man with no leadership skills do a terrible job and his fan base still screaming how great he was.  Pretty much exactly like Trump supporters are acting now.  Is Trump a smart man?  He's not stupid, but he is an ego maniac.  By all accounts including his ex wives and current wife, he doesn't like to lose.  This might be okay, but we won't know for a while.  The next few months are going to let us know.  Does he have leadership skills?  By most accounts, this is debatable.  Some have said he does; many have said he doesn't.  The other day a political strategist compared Trump's win to Reagan's first win.  President Reagan didn't win by a very large majority either.  Yet, 4 years later, Reagan was so popular, he took 49 of 50 states in the election.  Reagan immediately went to making the people, all the people not just the ones that voted for him, feel like he was there for all Americans.  This is something the new President isn't doing.  I've heard the arguments that he doesn't have to.  I heard those same arguments 8 years ago.  Obama didn't have to, according to the hypocrites on the other side of the fence.  So making those same arguments isn't convincing any of us that didn't vote for Trump.  It's ridiculous.  

Why didn't I vote for Trump?  I wasn't convinced that he wouldn't be just like Obama--the white GOP version.  I'm still not convinced.  He seems to be making the divide greater and greater and playing only to his voting base, pretty much exactly like Obama did.  Here's what Obama, his supporters and Trump and his supporters seem to forget.  The office is called President of the United States.  Not President of the Dems or the GOP.  It's not even called President of the People or these People not those People.  The United States.  That actually means all of us.  President for all Americans, whether we voted for him or not.  Please spare me the ridiculous argument that he's not going to please everyone.  I've heard that shit for 8 years now and I'm sick of hearing it.  I sure didn't want Clinton in office because I have become so sick of hearing it.  So I definitely don't want to hear it from a whole new base of groupies.  So far, this Presidency is looking like at least 4 more years of divide.  

Meanwhile, no one is actually paying attention to the confirmation hearings for the Cabinet.  These are literally more important to you and I and our every day lives than any elected official.  They make and manage all kinds of regulations and rules that you and I have to live by.  Laws that get passed very rarely have the details of implementation in them.  Who do you think implements them?  A lot of it gets implemented by various departments all lead by....Secretaries of the President's Cabinet.  The new President has a very questionable one selected for Secretary of Education.  Her plans will derail public schools.  The impact could be huge.  The new President promised to reverse many of Obama's Executive Orders.  Many of us want a lot of the healthcare measures gone and some of those are through EOs.  Yet, the first one he signs a reversal for?  To increase FHA/HUD mortgages which means those of you with FHA/HUD mortgage loans will pay an average of $900 more per year for your mortgage.  Dr. Ben Carson for Housing and Urban Development?  He's a neurosurgeon with no experience in Housing and Development.  None.  How is this a good choice?  And my personal favorite--the major stockholder, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Exxon Mobil for Secretary of State--the Secretary that negotiates prices and treaties with other countries.  Oil is a very widely used commodity in this country--not just for gasoline and other fuels.  It's used for oils (obviously), plastics (everything from the Rubbermaid in your kitchen to tires to the panels used for solar power), asphalt(roads, parking lots), benzene (used in the manufacture of aspirin, drugs, detergents, lubricants, pesticides), nylon (pantyhose, parachutes, toothbrushes--so many things are made from nylon this list could go on for days just for this one), paraffin wax (candles, crayons), chicle (chewing gum), polyester (ummm, probably more than half the clothes in your closet), propylene glycol (lipstick, vasoline, eye make up remover)....Imagine the money this man could make by helping drive up oil prices?????  Do you really trust him to take care of us over using his office as a way to increase his own wallet?  Think of all those things that could increase in cost that you use and buy every day....are you sure this is the right choice?   

So basically while you are pointing fingers at each other, pretty much business as usual for most of you now, you're missing the big picture.  From my point of view, we are off to another 4 years of bs--just with a white GOP Obama.  I'm still hoping I'm wrong.  Maybe the hypocrites on both sides will just read this and finally stop.  I doubt it.  It's looking like the new American way is hypocrite whine and ignore cheese.   

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